super soldier training

Super Soldier Training Revealed!

Super Soldier Training
Super Soldier Training
Super Soldier Training
Super Soldier Training

Super Soldier Training System

Shock & Awe
Chris Johnson

Are you ready to take your training to the next level? Are you ready for something revolutionary that will help you develop the most muscle possible in the shortest amount if time? Are you ready to join the ranks of the AG Super Soldiers?  Here’s the program to do it.

Before starting you must ensure your nutrition is on point.  Check out my “Shock & Awe” Nutrition Plan on our blog. Proper nutrition is key whether your goal be to add pounds of lean muscle, or shred pounds of unwanted fat. Your Advanced Genetics supplement regime is also key – by using the highest quality and most advanced supplements available, you will make getting from Private Zero to Army Hero that much quicker.

This workout was inspired by Doug Brignole and the University of Tampa. Mr. Brignole is an expert when it comes to the biomechanics and physics of exercise. The University of Tampa has completed an interesting study using stretching during exercise – a method I have used in some of my previous programs.

The purpose of this routine is to focus on the most efficient exercises for building muscle. We will be using rep ranges to stimulate both sarcoplasmic growth as well as muscle growth through fiber damage (the conventional way to build muscle). Get ready to experience muscle pumps and a mind/muscle connection that only top IFBB Pros are able to achieve.

I highly recommend you use Battle Juice during your workouts to promote maximum muscle growth and reduce muscle fatigue and soreness.

Split (2 on/1 off):


(I don’t recommend that women train chest as hard as men, especially those with breast enhancement. Women, unless those looking to increase their pectoral mass, should just pick one exercise and avoid the WAR SET.)

Chest exercises: flat DB press, decline DB press, Hammer press, pec deck, cable cross-overs, any machine that allows the pecs to contract fully, ie hands move towards one another. A bench press is not efficient as the arms move straight which does not allow for full contraction of the chest.

Side delts: standing/seated/lying DB laterals, machine laterals, cable laterals – keep arms straight or minimally bent.

Front delts: standing/seated/lying DB front raises, cable front raises, holding a plate front raises.

Rear delts: bent over DB laterals, reverse pec deck.

Choose 2 chest exercises and 1 exercise for each of the deltoid heads.

Superset chest exercise 1 with side delt exercise 1. Reps will look like this: 40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET. Don’t get hung up on reps, but take each one to failure. On that final set drop the weight you did for 6 reps by 40-50%. Do as many reps as you can, stretch for 30 seconds, do as many as reps as you can, stretch for 30 seconds, do one more set with as many reps as you can and do a final stretch for 60 seconds. This is the WAR SET. Sometimes you can stretch using the exercise and other times you’ll have to set the weights down and stretch (see my stretching protocol Get creative! The stretching is often just as painful (or more so) as the actual set.

WAR Set (use 40-50% less weight than your heaviest set of 4-6 reps)

Set 1
Take to positive muscular failure. Rep range is usually somewhere between 15-20. Stretch for a count of 30 then move to set 2 without rest.
Set 2
Take to positive muscular failure. Rep range is usually somewhere between 10-15. Stretch for a count of 30 then move to set 3 without rest.
Set 3
Take to positive muscular failure. Rep range is usually somewhere between 5-10. Stretch for a count of 60.

Next, superset your second chest exercise with front delts. 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET.

Finally do your rear delt exercise with an abdominal exercise. 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET.


(Women training for bikini or men with weak glutes may want to add one glute exercise to the end of this workout using the same rep protocol).

Start with calves. Pick 2 exercises. Exercises: standing/seated/leg press calf raises. 40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET. Second exercise: 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET.

You will next superset hams and quads.

Hamstrings exercises: lying/seated/standing leg curls.

Quad exercises: leg extensions, squats, hack squats, leg press. Keep legs close together for maximum quad development.

Ham/quad supersets: 40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET

Next, either pick two new ham/quad exercises OR superset abductors with adductors: 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, WAR SET


For back we have five focus points: lower lats, mid back, upper back, upper traps (not recommended for women), and lower back. There are no super sets on back day, except for abs (“crunching” movements are best for abs) with our final exercise for lower back.

Lower lat exercises: wide/narrow pulldowns, machine pulldowns. Be sure to get a full contraction by touching bar to chest. Pick one and do 40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET.

Mid back exercises: low pulley/DB/machine/bent over bar/t-bar rows. Ensure upper body is parallel to floor unless you are using a machine in which case it would be perpendicular to the floor. Pick one and do 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET.

Upper back exercises: incline bar rows (high angle like Dorian did), incline bench supported machine/DB rows, low Hammer rows). Pick one and do 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET

Upper trap exercises: bar/DB shrugs. Pick one and do 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET.

Lower back exercises: hyperextensions, lower back machine. Pick one and do 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET.


Superset biceps and triceps. One week lead with biceps and the next lead with triceps.

Bicep exercises: DB/barbell/cable/preacher/hammer/seated incline/spider/ez bar curls. Emphasize turning wrists in when you can for max contraction.

Tricep exercises: lying DB/bar/ez bar extensions, cable/rope pushdowns. Emphasize turning wrists out when you can for max contraction.

Pick 2 exercises for each. First superset do 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, WAR SET. For the second superset do 15, 10, 8, 6 WAR SET.

Remember…Don’t just train – WAGE WAR!!!