5 Things That'll Change When You Lift

5 Things That’ll Change When You Lift

The landscape of the fitness and bodybuilding world has most certainly changed since I was introduced to it way back when. There are lots of amazing things happening in the industry, some not so great things, a whole lot of influence, a ton of information and lots of different ways to connect with the people you admire. In saying so, you will have to find your place within the confines of our very small niche world (even though it may look like a huge community, it really isn’t) so that you can enjoy each and every single day you have to work on your physique much the same as I have been doing for the past three decades plus! So, to help better prepare you for your journey, here are 5 features of this lifestyle that you can bet on experiencing while you work your way to the best version of yourself.

Thing #1: More Attention

You are going to garner attention in some way shape or form whether you want it or not. When you build a body that looks different from the masses, it’s just common place for people to take a second look at you. Even in an age where seemingly everyone wants attention and posts on the daily, if you’re not one of those people, you’re going to receive notice just by virtue of being bigger and leaner than most you surround yourself with. Get used to it and if you don’t want it, stay covered up, stay off social media and stick to yourself.

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Thing #2: “Go to” for Advice

One of the nicer features of this lifestyle, if you choose to accept it, is that you will most likely become a go to person for advice from many other aspiring lifters and just people looking to improve upon their own lifestyle habits and choices. Sometimes it can be a bit too much, especially if you’re constantly being interrupted during a workout, but for the most part, people understand gym etiquette now so that shouldn’t be a worry. Take pride in the fact that people are asking you these questions because they see what your work and interpretation of this lifestyle has done for you and they simply want the same for themselves.

Jason Green

Feature #3: Can You Help Me Move?

This one is comical and has often times made me laugh. Your friends and family are going to always come to you when it’s time to move something, be it furniture or equipment or anything else that requires strength. It is assumed that since you enjoy lifting weights, then you must enjoy lifting everything and anything. We know that’s not the case and lifting weights for the pleasure of the pump and building muscle is a far cry from working for a moving company, but be forewarned, it will undoubtedly happen.

Feature #4: Better Physical & Mental Health

Due to the fact that you have decided to dedicate yourself to something that many people have deemed unnecessary or boring, that many people have tried and failed at sticking with and that even more people say they have no time to do, you are going to be better at just about everything for it. Your outlook on life is going to improve because of what training and eating healthily does both mentally and physically. You’ll be able to perform tasks that others cannot. Your self-esteem and self-worth drastically improve and you have an overall feeling of being able to take on the world knowing that most likely, you’ll come out on top. This is a great way to live so ignore the naysayers and stay on your path.


Feature #5: Increased Innovation

Perhaps my favourite feature of all within this lifestyle is the innovation that comes along with everything we do. We are always experimenting with different diets, different training programs, different approaches to cardio, rest and recovery, supplements and the list goes on. Through this experimentation comes innovation and a way to create something new, something advantageous and something that everyone could potentially benefit from. It’s innovative thought that brings new to the world and there will always be something new to learn in this lifestyle. It’ll be up to you to pay attention to it when you see it and then try it out for yourself


Whether you have “Advanced Genetics” or not, should never be a reason for your answer when asked, “why do you enjoy the gym?” The answer to that question lies within the benefits of this lifestyle. Those of us who have dedicated the better part of our life to living this way will tell you that there really is no other way to do things. The positives are plentiful, the hard times help us navigate through life’s really hard times, the triumphs in the gym show us that anything is possible and routine and discipline this lifestyle necessitates, filters into other parts of our life making our abilities to sustain stress even better. I highly recommend this lifestyle to anyone so that you can be the star in your own feature.

Author: Dana Bushell

Dana Bushell, a graduate of St. Francis Xavier University (BAHK, B.Ed) is an Educator, Writer, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Nutrition Advisor, Contest Prep/Lifestyle Coach and former competitive bodybuilder, who has been involved in the Fitness Industry for over 25 years. He has worked and written for major fitness publications and many popular bodybuilding sites, is a Gym Star Team member and works hard at teaching and promoting a fitness-based lifestyle in his career as a Physical Education Specialist